Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge Helps Raise Awareness about ALS

If you are wondering why everyone in your social media feeds are dumping ice water on their selves, know that it is for a great cause. I must say whoever thought about or even came up with the idea of this challenge is genius because it has taken the attention of media and people by storm.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or ALS (I recently had to educate myself a bit), it's a disease that impacts the nerve cells in the brain as well in spinal cord. According to the, "it's a progressive degeneration disease of motor neurons that eventually leads to death."

The Ice Bucket Challenge that has been created by the ALS staff is a creative yet impactful way to raise awareness about this disease but also encourages discussion and engagement about fighting it. I think this social media campaign is super clever and to be honest, I didn't know much about ALS until this ice bucket challenge conquered my newsfeed and getting called out to be challenged of course! It just goes to show you there is still strength in numbers and with so much negative things going on in the media, it's nice to see organizations like this one take a serious issue of ALS and bring it to the forefront in a positive way to encourage and to inform others about this disease.

I also appreciate this challenge too because some people have been transparent about sharing a loved ones story of living with ALS or unfortunately, has passed away from it.

Now about this ice bucket challenge??....I have 24 hours to figure how in the heck I'm going to work up the confidence to dump ice water on myself but it's going to get done! I'll let you guys know when I did it...ahhhhh LOL

Have you taken the ice bucket challenge yet and/or donated to ALS?

For more information about ALS, go to

P.S. I couldn't go through with the ice bucket challenge! LOL

Photo Courtesy of

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