Monday, December 1, 2014

Cheers to the Final Stretch!

First and foremost, I'm proud to say that I completed #NaBloPoMo successfully! It wasn't an easy task but I DID IT! This exercise reaffirms that when I put my mind to something, then I can do anything. In case you missed my #NaBloPoMo journey, check out my labels to the right of this post to catch up on all of my post for the month of November.

What's more exciting is that we are in our final month of 2014! I can't believe how fast time as flown by. It just goes to show you that our time is limited and we should spend our time wisely with those who cherish us but most all of all, making memories of our life.

I'm so excited for 2015 because I have really great vibes about it and I'm already claiming happiness, peace, prosperity, (MORE) love, and excitement for the incoming year. For now, I'm going to make the most memories out of December! It's crazy but I already have a full schedule (till mid-Jan) that involves quite a bit of traveling and I'm soooooo here for it.

We are in the final stretch folks so let's make the most out of our final days in 2014! It's GO time :)

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