Thursday, November 21, 2013

Survival Guide for Being Alone on the Holidays

Happy Holidays
This time of year can bring a mixed bag of emotions for people especially when you are single for the holidays. BUT do not fret! Make the most of your alone time by doing wonderful and marvelous things for yourself and with those around you:
  1. Buy yourself gifts -Did you have your eye on those shoes? Or that new smartphone? The benefit of not having to show for someone you are with is you can spend more on others around you or yourself.
  2. Hang out with friends/family-Organize a game nights or a fun wine tasting at your home this winter season. It’s hard enough to go out when it’s cold but arranging mini-entertainment events here-and-there will help the time go by. Who knows? You still could meet someone new at a gathering!
  3. Try something new- Have you been meaning to take a dance class, learn a new language or cooking class for fun? Go! The key to keeping the lonely blues out of your system is to keep yourself busy. Joining a gym or taking up a specialty class can bring lots of excitement and you will begin to meet new people in the process.
  4. Plan a trip- Even if you are the most traveled person in the world, there is always fun in getting away somewhere! Stretch yourself and go outside your comfort zone to explore a new place. If you can organize a trip with your closest friends, that’s always a sure pick me up. Even if you can’t wrangle everyone together, try going somewhere solo. It’s nice to spend some time alone to regroup mentally. 
  5. Stop procrastinating on that “thing” you need to do- Whether it is getting a certification for a job, working out or filling out applications to get back in school, GO! This is the perfect time to work on you so that when the timing is right, you will have YOU together.  You have no one distracting you so you should go for it! Aim high!
  6. Get a head start in setting new goals for the new year- Make the goals realistic and attainable too! A good way to organize your thoughts is start making a vision board for the things you see yourself attaining in the near future. 
Photo Courtesy of Kris Scott

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