Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Seasons are Changing

fall leaf

 In my twenty-something years of life, I have learned that relationships/friendships come and go. I’ve always correlated this closely with my faith because I believe that we live in seasons throughout our life. As the good book says, “to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” (Eccle. 3) and as I grow older and wiser, I believe this to be true in many facets of my life. In particular, I’ve experienced a small shift in my friendships. I’ve seen people come and go and while it’s not always easy to cope with the change, I believe it’s necessary to take us to the next level in our lives.

 Sometimes it isn’t clear to us when these changes occur but they always seem to happen at the right time. In my heart of heart of hearts, it takes too much energy to be combative, instead, I choose to smile through it (or distance myself) and cherish the ones who have never left my side. Whatever the case maybe, spend your time being happy with those who care about you and who desire to be a part of your life because after all, (outside of family) your friends are some of the people you fall back on in times of need.

At the end of the day, life is too short so choose to live it up with some of the people you love most and create awesome memories!

P.S. Fall is my absolute favorite season!

Photo Courtesy of JustyCInMD

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